Cin7 Academy

[Core] Landed Costs Workflow
[Core] Landed Costs Workflow

About the Course

Review the workflow that produces your final landed cost of products moving from the supplier to your warehouse.

Course Categories

Purchasing and Receiving: Core

Course Instructor

Cin7 Academy Team
Cin7 Academy Team
Course Progress
Not started
Sign In
Course Outline
  1. Landed Costs Workflow
    1. Landed Costs Workflow
  2. Survey
    1. Course Survey
[Core] Landed Costs Workflow
[Core] Landed Costs Workflow
Course Progress
Not started
Sign In

About the Course

Review the workflow that produces your final landed cost of products moving from the supplier to your warehouse.

Course Outline
  1. Landed Costs Workflow
    1. Landed Costs Workflow
  2. Survey
    1. Course Survey

Course Categories

Purchasing and Receiving: Core

Course Instructor

Cin7 Academy Team
Cin7 Academy Team