Cin7 Academy

[Omni] Cost of Goods Sold (COGS)
[Omni] Cost of Goods Sold (COGS)

About the Course

Cost of Goods Sold - frequently referred to as 'COGS' - is the cost of the products that you have sold. In this course, you will learn how COGS are calculated and used within Omni.

Course Categories

Accounting: Omni

Course Instructor

Cin7 Academy Team
Cin7 Academy Team
Course Progress
Not started
Sign In
Course Outline
  1. Cost of Goods Sold
    1. How Costs are Created
    2. How COGS is Applied to a Sale
  2. Overview
    1. Cost of Goods Sold (COGS)
  3. Survey
    1. Course Survey
[Omni] Cost of Goods Sold (COGS)
[Omni] Cost of Goods Sold (COGS)
Course Progress
Not started
Sign In

About the Course

Cost of Goods Sold - frequently referred to as 'COGS' - is the cost of the products that you have sold. In this course, you will learn how COGS are calculated and used within Omni.

Course Outline
  1. Cost of Goods Sold
    1. How Costs are Created
    2. How COGS is Applied to a Sale
  2. Overview
    1. Cost of Goods Sold (COGS)
  3. Survey
    1. Course Survey

Course Categories

Accounting: Omni

Course Instructor

Cin7 Academy Team
Cin7 Academy Team