Cin7 Academy

[Omni] POS Laybys
[Omni] POS Laybys

About the Course

Create a layby to allow customers to partially pay for a product.

A layby is a product or products that have been paid for in part by the customer, but ownership has not yet transferred to the customer. Typically, stores will keep the products in layby until the balance is fully paid.

Course Categories

Sales & Purchases: Omni

Course Instructor

Cin7 Academy Team
Cin7 Academy Team
Course Progress
Not started
Sign In
Course Outline
  1. Introduction
    1. Introduction
  2. POS Laybys
    1. What Do Laybys Do?
    2. The Layby Process
    3. Creating a Layby
    4. Adding Payments and Completing Laybys
    5. Cancelling or Voiding a Layby
  3. Survey
    1. Course Survey
[Omni] POS Laybys
[Omni] POS Laybys
Course Progress
Not started
Sign In

About the Course

Create a layby to allow customers to partially pay for a product.

A layby is a product or products that have been paid for in part by the customer, but ownership has not yet transferred to the customer. Typically, stores will keep the products in layby until the balance is fully paid.

Course Outline
  1. Introduction
    1. Introduction
  2. POS Laybys
    1. What Do Laybys Do?
    2. The Layby Process
    3. Creating a Layby
    4. Adding Payments and Completing Laybys
    5. Cancelling or Voiding a Layby
  3. Survey
    1. Course Survey

Course Categories

Sales & Purchases: Omni

Course Instructor

Cin7 Academy Team
Cin7 Academy Team