Cin7 Academy

[Omni] Reports
[Omni] Reports

About the Course

Omni provides a wealth of Reporting functions allowing you to make strategic management decisions based on real time information.

This course will walk you through the three reporting modules: Reports Dashboard, Standard Reports and Retail Reports Dashboard.

Course Categories

Reports: Omni

Course Instructor

Cin7 Academy Team
Cin7 Academy Team
Course Progress
Not started
Sign In
Course Outline
  1. Introduction
    1. Introduction to Reports
  2. Reports
    1. Using and Modifying Reports
    2. Dashboard Reports
  3. Survey
    1. Course Survey
[Omni] Reports
[Omni] Reports
Course Progress
Not started
Sign In

About the Course

Omni provides a wealth of Reporting functions allowing you to make strategic management decisions based on real time information.

This course will walk you through the three reporting modules: Reports Dashboard, Standard Reports and Retail Reports Dashboard.

Course Outline
  1. Introduction
    1. Introduction to Reports
  2. Reports
    1. Using and Modifying Reports
    2. Dashboard Reports
  3. Survey
    1. Course Survey

Course Categories

Reports: Omni

Course Instructor

Cin7 Academy Team
Cin7 Academy Team