Cin7 Academy

[Omni] Contract Manufacturing
[Omni] Contract Manufacturing

About the Course

Contract Manufacturing is a process in which your organization outsources the manufacturing of specific products to another firm or contractor.

Before you are able to use contract manufacturing within Omni, you will need to contact a member of the Omni team to have your purchase order module set up for contract manufacturing.

Course Categories

Production: Omni

Course Instructor

Cin7 Academy Team
Cin7 Academy Team
Course Progress
Not started
Sign In
Course Outline
  1. Introduction
    1. Introduction
  2. Contract Manufacturing
    1. A Real Life Example
    2. Cin7 Prerequisites
    3. Contract Manufacturing
  3. Survey
    1. Course Survey
[Omni] Contract Manufacturing
[Omni] Contract Manufacturing
Course Progress
Not started
Sign In

About the Course

Contract Manufacturing is a process in which your organization outsources the manufacturing of specific products to another firm or contractor.

Before you are able to use contract manufacturing within Omni, you will need to contact a member of the Omni team to have your purchase order module set up for contract manufacturing.

Course Outline
  1. Introduction
    1. Introduction
  2. Contract Manufacturing
    1. A Real Life Example
    2. Cin7 Prerequisites
    3. Contract Manufacturing
  3. Survey
    1. Course Survey

Course Categories

Production: Omni

Course Instructor

Cin7 Academy Team
Cin7 Academy Team